4 or 5 dropped by for tea or sake. All new, not seen before. 3 minarai helpers and Yoneyu. We did dance music and stories. Tomoko chan came near the end, on good form! I put a Komayo sake set in the tea house. See if anyone notices.
Blog up and running! (Easter 2009) I really ought to make some kimono. Having amassed over 200 in just over a year I really ought to learn how to make my own. Tomoko chan has proved it can be done. Can I find the time to learn? Yes I did! Now need to perfect the techniques and make some quality items. Have over 350 kimono now! (December 2009)
The man in the back with the wings said that he has been going for a year. He thought I was new, but oh well. I thought he was new too.
ReplyDeletehehe, things like this happen...