Saw okasaan in the morning, no one down to direct the 2:30 P.M. show so I said I'd do it. Got little sisters HP chan and Geisha Yoneyu to perform. Sent out a group notice. Theme set to animal stories and red kimono. I set up the badger and farmer story as backup. Jael chan responded to the notice so we had 4 for the show. Okasaan had built a new stage, stunning. HP chan played music and performed. Tested out her story while she added a pond and sand garden to her gazebo. Lovely work. Show started spot on the hour, to the second. and ran for one hour 15 seconds, perfect. A good crowd, 16 avatars there including 3 from different okiya (after pointers no doubt) Yoneyu did a brilliant job with the dance hud. Opened the tea house late, 11:59 p.m.! One customer, showed him the shachihokodachi animation and the real life one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/11588476@N08/3497092202/ It's very impressive. Alena chan helped out at the tea house with HP chan. Seems she is into music. Gave me an LM for a free harp, nice music. Went and got the harp at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Marinoco%20Fashion/213/184/24 Also a notice for free skin and 1$L Japanese skin so went and got those as well, here http://slurl.com/secondlife/CDD/210/18/21 Here are the directions: Female Free Skin JORDEN 2B (third row, second from the right); Japanese 1l skin takako - second right top shelf.
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