We put on a lovely show last night, pity only a few patrons turned up to watch. The Saturday show looks to be 3 of the same performers. Not sure what has happened to all the okiya sisters...
Here are the haiku from last night:
I reach for you
empty arms return
the night is chill
I wake in dampness
stretching toward the light
struck dumb by the fog
Were I to leave shore
would the waves swallow me up
would I return in spring?
Dark clouds hovering
obscuring the sun’s hot rays
rain is sure to fall
Winter settles in
will the heat of summer
keep me warm
Where fires burn today
next year after the spring rain
morels will sprout
Bereft of their blooms
do the thorny rose bushes
grieve as much as I?
Would I were the crab
who so swiftly sheds his shell
when it hurts too much
Oh curious bug
climbing up the southern wall
don’t look down on me
Would I travel far
if I had six legs and wings
or would I stay home?
I wrestle with thoughts
that crack my resolve
autumn breezes pass
Weeding my garden
in the hot noon sun of July
I thirst for you love
Autumn clouds looming low
assuming fantastic shapes
if I could only fly
When the frost comes back
portending the coming snows
will I be patient
Those fleecy mountains
rising on the western ridge
my name called clearly
Was I someone bad
did I do some awful thing
cancer’s come to call
I seem to have learned
much about pain
this winter
Songs don’t sing themselves
they need many instruments
on many branches
Spring was foggy
why didn’t I know that
until winter came
The melons grow large now
we’d better make use of them
before winter comes
Trudging through the snow
as the red salmon swimming
against the current
Has my life become
like the hapless horseshoe
leaning against the pin
Yellow rose petals
lying in the shallow dish
along with some red
Laughter of the spring
will their joys be muffled
in the winter snow
Fiery august skies
raindrops quickly soak my clothes
my body shivers
Sultry august rain
tomatoes fatten themselves
roses push skyward
Will I find the words
to capture this autumn day
before winter comes?
My cucumbers hide
under their broad protective leaves
hot July sun
Fiery august sky
huge torrential drenching
clothes cling to my skin
Heavy my garments
quickly drenched my skin
cloudburst in august
Fiery tendrils
tree trunk shattered in twain
august strikes again
Steam rising from the bay
crabs lurking in the seaweed
July at the beach
August at the beach
wisps of smoke floating, stinging
jellyfish rule the day
Thank you for your kind attention…
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